How do you deal with getting old?

Over 50 here. I stopped giving a shit about stupid things like what people think of me. They seldom do anyway so what's the big deal?

Memories tend to be stuck on a good number of events in my earlier (16-28 or so) years and then some blurriness as work, marriage, kids seemed to blow up at once. (In a great way)

Note I remember weird things. For example, I haven't a clue what I got for my birthday last year but I clearly remember standing in line behind a guy wearing gray shoes at Walmart that week. I have to stop and think about how old I am when people ask but I can tell you my second girlfriend in high school had blue eyes and hated caramel. I can't remember my kids' names at times but I can tell you in an instant what day of the week they were born, their favorite cereals as they grew older, which books I read to them and at what age... But I think they still drive the cars they had in high school, still have their pets (that we put down three years ago) and are still at their first jobs.

Getting old also gives a valid excuse for forgetting crap so it's all good.

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