How does a username that has a recent highly upvoted comment not have a userpage or even show up in reddit search?

I have never deleted my post history. Maybe one or two things that in retrospect were too personal, but I'm an open book.

I dont give a fuck if someone has ever or never deleted their post history. Deleting (or not deleting) does not make someone better or any worse than people who routinely delete or keep every post they make.

I have never seen a reason not to delete posts after 5-6 days, after the thread quiets down, drops down to 20-300- on the list, no one reads it again, it is gone. The only people who would look at it are snoops looking over a users history for one reason or another.

Why leave evidence which idiots can harp on later?

Heck, why leave evidence of any kind?

I have always felt comments should rise or fall on the comments own merit.

A shitty comment should not be upvoted simply because someone likes the poster.

The truth is the truth, BS is BS...and that is that.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent