How do you feel about the 40 hour work week?

Part 1


Part 15


Dynamics on a lifeless planet would be governed by the indifferent laws of physics. There might still be a general bias towards increased complexity but unless that results in minds there would be no way for God's imagination to manifest in ways which are obvious to us. The physical laws also form the basis of dynamics here on earth, but there is an additional influence; imagination springing forth and manifesting itself through will as concepts compete and combine in a fundamental process of competition and collaboration. The competition and collaboration of information which exists at the microscopic level extends itself into the macroscopic. We can view physical objects in physical terms; the couch in your living room is a physical structure in the shape of a couch. But the couch also exists as a concept; you can leave the room and imagine the couch. It is represented within the concept space that your brain has access to. The physical structure is rigid, quite defined and only exists as long as the couch keeps its physical structure. The concept on the other hand can undergo non-physical transformations through interactions with other concepts. You might decide to produce another couch in a different shape and color and this would be an example of your imagination having influence and manifesting in the universe via will.


Then you get purely non-physical constructs; government, religion, capitalism, war. These complex systems are too represented in concept space, competing and combining in the melting pot of our subconscious. They manifest in our choices, behavior, symbology, art, language and interactions. There is very strong and growing evidence that human minds behave in a way which is very quantum mechanical; that our language and thinking is based on quantum principles rather than classical ones. In my interpretation concepts are quantum objects in an infinitely complex system which exist in superposition, just like particles, but without the constraint of linear time continuity and identity which applies to macroscopic structures like your couch. Concepts behave like quantum states; they exist as a superposition of possible states until they become entangled with other concepts via interaction or measurement (observation), at which point they collapse into a defined state. The word "painting" represents a concept which would have slightly different definitions depending on the context, and no meaning at all without relation to other learned concepts such as "art" or "paint" or "object", but used in thought or communication the word takes on a defined meaning in the mind of the observer. All concepts (including particles) exist in the same tapestry, entangled with each other and without any existence independent of each other. They become defined only when observed, and when unobserved they exist in a superposition of all possible states.


[Part 17](link)

/r/Psychonaut Thread