How the fuck does modern dating work?

I don't understand why you are so down on nightlife as an option. I've had much more luck meeting women through nightlife than I have through social circle/school/work./hobbies.

This is why it quickly ends for majority of young people who are active in it. People simply learn to avoid it even if they don't know why.

Is this the case? I'm in my late 20s and still love it.

Also make sure that you do not go to places that are geared toward this kind of activity. Nothing good comes out of it. If you do, do it with groups of friends and try to have mixed groups of friends as you do. Trust me - it works better if it works at all.

Again, I've had much more luck meeting women when I go out to clubs either alone or with one or two male friends than I ever did going in groups.

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