How important are video games in your day to day life and where do you draw the line on if it's an unhealthy pastime?

I'm almost 30 and I used to be really into video games, but not so much anymore. Although they still interest me in principle, I don't really play more than a couple hours a week. I probably pend more time on r/games discussing them than actually playing. At a certain point I just kind of realized it was almost a complete waste of time.

Some people might say time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time, and at one point I would have too, but I definitely don't feel that way anymore. I realized I never looked back on a night of gaming with fondness. Hell, I never remembered those nights to begin with. All my time gaming just kind of blurs together. That was kind of the wake-up call for me.

I didn't actually enjoy it that much, it was just something I enjoyed as a kid and kept doing because it was my pastime. But at a certain point the time I spent gaming produced almost no lasting memories or interesting stories to tell, and gaming didn't develop any kind of useful skill or knowledge applicable to other areas of life. So around my mid-20's I decided to start spending more time on other, more fulfilling interests.

I know where you BF is coming from, I used to be in a similar place when I started my career and was struggling with the transition into adulthood, escaping into my computer games every night to distract myself from real life. I think obviously his reaction was over-the-top, but I get how easy it is to get really invested in that sort of game, and that is pretty unhealthy IMO. LOL and games like it might be big in the eSports scene these days, but for most people like your BF they're playing at a level equivalent to a pick-up soccer game. I doesn't fucking matter.

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