How many of you are in this sub just to see how awful people are?

I am extraordinarily happy in my longterm relationship, and have been in both previous relationship I've had of which ended for mature reasons where our lives respectfully went in different directions. C'est la vie.

I lurk here (and /r/DatingOverThirty despite not yet being 30, sshhhh) because the popcorn value is astronomical! Some of the advice given in these subs, boy howdy it's the blind leading the blind! I am staggered why someone would seek relationship advice from other chronically single people, yet this sub and many like it are thriving. Unless I'd witnessed this myself I'd assume single people would seek advice from happily coupled people.

Now that I've made a conceited (but, honest for the sole purpose of this particular) jerk of myself, I'll go back to silently lurking and giggling at some of the worst relationshio advice I've ever read.

/r/dating Thread