How many of you guys were screwed over being mixed race?

My parents are racist, over 1 foot apart, and never really had relationships with the opposite sex of their race.

Are there other things I could have done better? Yes. But if I looked more like a certain race, would my parents treat me better? If I had grown up in my mother's country which she always spoke as if it were a worse place to be, would I have been better off?

And for anyone, or should I say any privileged reading this, don't be like "y dont u go bAcK to ur mum's country". I don't know the language and it's not my fault. Even when I was about 10 years old I knew the obvious: "Why didn't you teach [speak] it to me?" She would say that "I didn't want to learn it" as if I were covering my ears as baby. I'm not a bad learner. One of the few things I could say my father did right was that he taught me to read early on. He also put captions on the TV and I think that helped too.

So no, simply being mixed race won't cause it. We can still be "successful" but would have been better off if our parents were better people.

/r/askanincel Thread