By definition I’m an incel. So why can’t I be considered one just cuz I have a vagina?

No way, buddy. Relationships matter or they don't. Your explanation says you are still volcel for not having sex with any of those people you rule out. Otherwise you're a raging hypocrite.

Your understanding of femcels completely stems from your position as a clueless incel. You neither know or understand women or anything they go through. The sub you listed focuses on women very far removed from femceldom but as usual femcels are so invisible that the poor behavior of normies gets attributed to ugly girls.

It's pretty funny that you find that a seperate movement of people who do not ask for your support is somehow unfair. You don't take the time to criticize the attention seeking fakecels in your midst and femcels don't represent incels, they represent lonely, unattractive women but somehow a tiny group of girls fending for themselves is so offensive to you.

So far, all you have shared is you get to need companionship but women cannot. You get to set reasonable standards but women cannot. You get to be frustrated about society overlooking as an unattractive male but women cannot.

At least once you get sex, you're leaving inceldom behind so that's something. I wonder what the odds are that that girl would qualify as femcel or if you're like the escortcels who will say their purchased sexual experiences don't count.

You guys are honestly no different than normies. You just have less luck.

/r/askanincel Thread Parent