How much more violent would a race have to be on average before you would consider racism morally acceptable?

Stop with the examples bro. The hyperthetical that you gave is called the Train Track Dilema....and you're trying to deliver an either or situation.

And you have missed repeatedly the crux of my point so I'll answer this last one with a last attempt. Both and actions and possibilities that you have presented are immoral acts, killing the few or killing the many...its still killing. Immoral. Murder is mostly immoral (unless I assume to end extreme suffering). Just like predujice is still immoral.

Is it morally No its not. Can it be justified as the lesser of two evils, or less immoral than the other...sure. But it doesn't absolve the inherant ethics that comes with murder, like being racist to "save your dog" doesn't absolve the morality behind racism. So racism is never morally acceptable in society at large just like murder.

So is it an understandable action in light of the circumstances...sure. Thats my point. But it doesn't make murder morally acceptable. Killed a baby. Saved millions....but you killed a baby. Immoral. But inlight of the circumstances and alternative it is a little easier to shoulder that weight.

What you are trying to do is to change the definition of morality, and what is moralilly acceptable so you don't have to shoulder the guilt of being racist. When normal people accept their actions (i.e being racist, murderers etc) and accept the immorality or surround themselves with those who think it is morally acceptable (gangs, kkk, other racists, prison, etc). The best example of this was probably the black man and taxi in your other thread. Taxi drivers know it is immoral, they accept it is immoral, but "because I don't want to risk my health or die" doesn't suddenly make the racist action morally acceptable.

So can I agree that a nessesary evil can be a morally acceptable and moral? No I can't...because a moral evil is an oxymoron and acceptable evil is not moral. Can I agree that people shoulder immorality for what they percieve as a greater good...sure. But it doesn't make it morally acceptable.

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