How is the New Day gimmick racist?

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna take your word, I simply don't agree. You seem like a good guy, and you're clearly smart and well spoken, but the notion that white people don't experience racism is just wrong, in my opinion. Your personal definition of racism seems to be needlessly broad as well, when in actuality, it's fairly simple:

"Racism is The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.", so says the oxford dictionary.

I do, indeed feel as though these individual racial prejudices can be examples of racism. In this case, it's a preconceived (and false) notion that white people believe themselves to be superior, making them inherently inferior. Saying we never experience racism only reinforces and encourages more of the racist opinions the behavior often associated with this prejudice.

You believe white people, as a race, cannot experience racism, correct? That's an attribute you've assigned to us, with no possible personal experience to support it, and it's really not fair of you to do. You keep talking about how hard it is to be black on this website, and that your opinions are statistically (what statistic, by the way? What are you citing?) more likely to be disregarded. I, of course can't dispute this. I can, however dispute the manner in which you talk about it, because you almost seem to blame white people for these problems. You don't seem to hold us in very high regard as people, either, you appear to be quite disdainful.

White privilege is a warm and comfortable coat, and it's fucking cold out here. . this sub is full of white people who will get sour and haven't experienced a drop of racism in their lives.

How can you expect me, as a white dude, to read this and then just "Take [your] word and give [you] a break?", as you put it? You know what, as your requested, I'll humor you anyway, I'll give it all a good long think, but here's what I'd like you to consider: You say you don't get a break, correct? I'd like you think about why that is. Why are people always getting on your case, why do so many people disagree, take offense, etc, what have you. And what makes it happen so consistently that you feel like you need "One break out of forever". Ask yourself who's at fault for your woes: The world, or yourself.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread