How often do you meet females that have a rational philosophical understanding of life/the universe?

I'm going to take a stab in the dark here, probably get downvoted, but here me out. I only do so to help my brothers see the light in the darkness.

I should also say before I get to my point, that generally i'm quite a rational person. I'm able to distinguish rational thinking from non rational thinking, quite well.

*Just because you generally think and act in a rational manner, doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in "magical" things or things you can't see see/ hear"

Before we developed the microscope, we thought what we saw was what was. Then when we developed such instruments, we proved that everything is comprised of smaller particals. People would've and did call bullshit up until that point, but once developed it was just accepted.

But still, we found out things were comprised of smaller particles. But could there be even smaller particles? Nonsense! Blasphemy! Then we found such things.

So my point, being just because we don't know of something, absolutely doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Sure, scientifically it's not proven, but doesn't mean it's not there.

I've been reading all of Dr. Michael Newtons book on past life regressions. Six months ago, if someone told me about such things i would've called absolute bullshit. You put the patient under hypnosis, and regress them to past lives, the spiritual realm. Blasphemy! Nonsense! Don't push this bullshit on me.

I get you. I'm not telling you to happily gobble up what i say, but do your own research and come to your own conclusions. If you want to. Which means reading the books. The amount of complexity with which the spiritual realm is explained by different patients under hypnosis, is outstanding. Hundreds of reports on the realm, all of which almost completely align in astonishing complexity. The problem is that when under hypnosis possible information the receive from the higher realm has to be filtered through the human brain, so the translation for some is rather bleak whereas with other much more intellectual people it is much more explanatory. But even so, when someone describes something with detail and complexity, and the average person tries to explain such things, they both align. The smart person just does a much better job at interpreting the information through the brain. Even if they were making it up, the fact that 90% of patients report extremely similar things "proves" that it can't really be made up, in the sense it's coming from somewhere, whether it be the brain or a different realm.

The TRP is awesome and has changed many aspects of my life for the better, and has taught me about things that I didn't know. Things that other men found out for themselves, passed it down, wrote it into guides, so on and so forth.

I guess I do believe in the mystical, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I think there's much more to the surface then we think. I'm not just talking about the unconscious, either. Many great writers, knew this, more so hinted at it. Jung being one.

I guess what i'm also saying is that although I do much enjoy the rational conversation and shooting the shit, I feel as though i'll get shot down by those for even discussing the possibility, or operating under the hypothesis whether such thing could be possible. And talk about it in a logical like way, to the extent that it can be.

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