How real world GGG really works

Because a good deed done for attention isn't a good deed. Its manipulation. In order to be truly altruistic you have to be a shadow. Fix something your friend didn't even know was broke and live with that desire. Once that desire wins, you can no longer claim to be a 'good' person. You're act was good, that can not be doubted. You only did the good act for selfish reasons though and can not claim to be a good man when you do for selfish means.

Pure selflessness is a painful and isolating life by definition. Selflessness is disregard for oneself for others. That means you let that desire eat you up. Because to be a good person is to do good acts because its the right thing and not to be seen as a good person. Sometimes you'll be seen as a bad person by most people who don't see the pieces.

You know what is truly inspiring? To find out someone did something for you, and didn't take credit and never expects anything from it. I've noticed with people who take credit that it turns into a power play and cashing in favors. Its unavoidable. Its only human to expect others to treat you as you treat them. But remember what selflessness is, it entails sacrifice of oneself. But when you never cash in, you can't be own favors. I respect the man/gal that I know is a good person but have no proof they are. I respect the person who leaves no trail and will allow their life to be torn apart to do the right thing. Not the man that shouts it from the rooftops.

When you come to peace with someone hating you, and letting them go, even though their life is a result of you, then you truly desire selflessness. I can talk a tree into giving me its green, but using my good deeds to make them stay is selfish and devalues everything I did. I turn those deeds into bargaining chips and that's not why I did em.

There is always another side of the coin. To value others means to take on the pain you wish to stop onto your shoulders; to value yourself less, even if it means you will hurt your own feelings doing so.

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