How to set boundaries for male friends when you're in a LTR, and how do I get more girlfriends?

I've picked up new hobbies. Things like knitting groups are almost exclusively women, so there's a wide range of people to talk to and potentially connect with. I've also made a point of inviting former women coworkers out to socially-distanced walks around the lakes or movie nights, and I think I'll reach out to my sister-in-law who I haven't talked to in a long time. I imagine I'll get pushback, but I'm thinking of starting a women's tabletop gaming group.

I agree that it shouldn't be our responsibility to manage mens' expectations, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea to take precautions. We all do this at work and in family matters already, like getting things in writing when possible. Was it my responsibility at my last position to make sure my manager or coworkers didn't forget a verbal conversation? No, but you can be sure I didn't want to be on the ass end of it so I'd ask for e-mails. Same thing.

/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide Thread