How it started, how it's going

Ireland won't change its local tax rate, nobody can make us do that afaik but this pretending that we can depend on our 12.5% corp tax, which paschal knew we couldn't when he took the job 4 years ago, is a fantasy. By his esteimate we are going to lose 2.2bn a year, again, he knew this was coming. We are only now widening the band for lpt, that should have been done 4 years ago, its only 80 million a year as it is but still we are now 200 bn in the hole from covid and rather than get ahead of things when he took the job in 2017, or anytime over the last 10 years fg were in power, they decided to continue to rely on corp tax knowing within 10 years that faucet would be turned off

Nomatter how many times he acknowledged this was coming, we are still left holding the bag, they say austerity isn't coming, and I hope it isn't but are only going deeper and deeper in debt as the months go on

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