How I started making LOVE not WAR with Feminists. Sex + Socratic method = Social Change.

Do you feel you can account for the everyday experience of most men?

I don't have to. The data seems to point to the fact that women are incapable of managing their own lives. The "I'm a strong woman I don't need no man" bit is nothing but posturing.

The average women is more self-interested and Machiavellian than the average man. This doesn't mean that she is capable of managing her own life in a way that will lead her to lasting happiness. Women require men, and more than that--a patriarchal system--lest they fall into depression.

I don't mean to paint the picture that women are like less-evolved apes that can't parallel park their own cars or hold down a 9-5 job. Clearly they can do just about everything men can do that doesn't require brute strength or courage in great numbers.

And they're very capable of defending points without resorting to emotion.

Really? Try telling a woman who his getting up there in age that childbirth is best left to "young" women. In fact, try having any rational discussion about age with most women. When the points hit close to home, their hamster can run at light-speed. "Hmmm I'm almost 40 and still single. Better freeze those eggs so I can have kids when I meet Mr. Right when I'm 50! I hear it's the new 30!" This is the lack of logic to which I am referring. While it seems like the logical thing to do when you have already gone down the garden path and you are left with ever diminishing options and time, the truly logical thing is to admit you fucked up your life and you make poor decisions.

You just about never hear of a man hitting 40 years old and then saying to himself "OK I want to be a doctor, now!" It's too fucking late, you made your choices already, you can't go back in time and do all the steps required to get to that. This is what many women are doing with motherhood, today. And the smarter they are (on paper), the more brainwashed and more poorly they manage their youth.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent