How would you explain the technology of today to your 10 year old self?

I would have to put on the dining room table the Apple lle, the telephone, the answering machine, the TV, the cable box, the camera, the vcr, the betamax, the betamax video camera, alarm clock radio, every book, album, photo, picture, newspaper in the house and my library card. I would then point to the pile and say all of this and more will fit in your pocket as one device the size of a deck of cards and you can take it anywhere you want. Then I would go to the mall and watch War Games at the movie theater because it just got released and say oh I'm going to need to ask Dad for a modem. I didn't get my first modem until years later when the apple got replaced with a brand new PC and it was a tax write-off for my Dad.

/r/AskReddit Thread