How would you feel about a law that requires people over the age of 70 to pass a specialized driving test in order to continue driving?

When self-driving cars come out and become more common, I think we need to majorly up the stakes for those driving tests... They need to be much harder and require much more training. They need to be for the rare few that do it for fun.

Once they're everywhere, driving yourself is going to be a risk in itself. And I'm saying this as someone who would still ride a motorcycle and do what he needs to do to keep doing it, but I think that we need to make human-driving a luxury. It should be something you do for pleasure at some point, and there should be 160mph freeways where only AI can drive. I'll still love to cruise along the coast, but that shouldn't be a commute thing. Human driving should be for enjoyment only.

It's such a risk to pretend that humans can drive better than machines that are built for it. They can communicate with each other at the speed of light, they can perform nanosecond calculations to determine the safest outcomes in the event of accidents or mechanical failures... we need this to happen.

1 in 645 dies in a car accident in the US. That could go away for the most part.

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