Hyperhidrosis (exessive sweating) is stopping me from being in a relationship

Going to piggyback this post as well and hope /u/00N9NA sees it (calling out to accomplish that).

I'm a 23 y/o female and have also had hyperhidrosis since probably puberty (I guess). For me it's mostly my palms and feet which sweat almost constantly. In my feet, this causes constantly reoccurring athlete's foot and in my palms it causes embarrassment because if I'm nervous, like you said, the sweat is very obvious and everywhere, and it used to make my papers wet at school.

Honestly, I wouldn't call mine debilitating because nobody can see my sweaty socks/feet unless I take off my shoes. It's very annoying in the summer when I try to wear sandals, or when I dress up in heels as I'm sliding all over inside my shoes and pretty much can't walk. As far as my hands go, the sweating is obviously more noticeable, but anytime I have to shake someone's hand I just casually say something like "sorry, my hands sweat". I've found that if I act like I don't give a shit, nobody else will, either.

I've really tried to just mentally overcome it since my case isn't as bad as some other people's, so I guess I just wanted to comment to let you know that if you don't want to go through any procedures for it, that's okay too. I'm generally pretty upfront about it with people I'm close to, and I just try not to think about it much because, like you said, anxiety really makes it worse (so does being hot). I know it's embarrassing, but there's not a whole lot we can do about it. So, my advice is to just do what you're comfortable with doing, or what you think will work. I don't think people have really been judging of me, but as I said my case isn't as bad as some other people's which is why I've never searched for a real solution. I also think that the more upfront you are about it with people, the less it feels like a burden - if you can bring yourself to tell them.

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