As the hypocrisy continues behind closed doors

The problem is you guys depend on government so much. You guys want free college yet not a single American has succeeded to stop a $5 million dollar missile from being made eery other week. During the Obama era. Not. A. Single. American.

8 years of Obama. Endless useless tanks from Ohio despite a Republican Army General pleaing to stop sending them more tanks.

Yet you guys think magically taxing the rich will solve all the issues.

Think I'm pro-rich? Nope. For all I care all the rich can be executed, with bags over their heads, their money in accounts deleted recursively or set on fire if cash.

I'm pro-common sense, and anti-echo chamber. You guys have become so obsessive about hating Ebola that you guys decided injecting your mind with HIV is not only fun but trendy.

From my point of view, nobody should have to choose between injecting themselves with HIV or Ebola.

The person making an argument for why HIV is clearly safer has lost their fucking minds from my point of view.

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