IAMA Girl who has Alopecia Universalis. AMA.

Hey there, pretty late I know, but hopefully you're still available to answer questions.

I'm a guy and I'm also losing my hair, or have lost my hair would probably be more apt to say. Though I lost it not from a disease, but from good ole' genetic hair loss. I saw you saying that you wear wig now when you go to work. I wonder, if your condition now has changed your perception regarding wearing wigs in general, particularly for guys. The most common thing to say to a guy who's losing his hair is to own it up and shave it clean, don't hide it. I get that, I have shaved my head for almost a year now. I can say that it did make me feel comfortable with myself by not trying to hide it. But I do sometimes get jealous seeing other guys with full head of hair, being able to style them to make themselves look better, appearance-wise.

I've been thinking of getting some wigs for myself. Everybody knows I'm bald, so it's not like I'm trying to hide it, but I just want to improve how I look. Some of the classic reasons why guys are discouraged from wearing a wig are, one, it makes them look like they're in denial, and two, wigs look really fake like barbie doll's hair. I have partially addressed the first reason in my previous sentences, and for the second one, wigs nowadays are really well made and looks so much like real hair. For example, I don't know if you watch the show or not, but the one Bob Odenkirk is wearing for his tv show Better Call Saul. A lot of people actually thought he was taking medication to grow back his hair. I guess, to sum up how I feel about guys wearing wigs, it's just like girls wearing cosmetics or an extension for their hair, but I do wonder what's your take on this?

Sorry if my English is bad, I try my best.

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