IamA progressive congressional candidate running for congress in a conservative state AMA!

"You're making it sound like our government can just decide one day to ban firearms possession. They cannot."

Nope, never said anything like that.

"Luckily the Supreme Court disagrees with you." Luckily for whom? The families of the ~35,000 who die in firearms incidents every year? The countless suicides that might have failed if a gun weren't available? The children killed in drug war cross fires? The police officers gunned down by criminals with guns bought off a thriving black market that WE COULD SEVERELY LIMIT IF PEOPLE LIKE YOU WEREN'T SUCH FUCKING RADICALS?

The Court could have gone the other way in Heller, and it would have been completely defensible from a legal perspective. It wouldn't have meant guns would have been outlawed, and you fucking know it. It would have meant we could actually address this problem that we alone in the developed world have.

"It does have a lot to do with your posts. Your posts all seem to be anti-gun and you disagree with both the Constitution and also the Supreme Court's rulings. Basically you're just a guy claiming that people shouldn't own guns."

Again, I never said anything like that. When you have to reach so hard for straw men, you know you are full of shit.

/r/IAmA Thread Parent