IAMA shameless indie hipster girl. AMA!

I was going to elaborate more on my question, I'm glad I didn't; you're really in-depth with your answers. But it does lead me to another problem, you despise profitability and fame in art and especially music and I can see how that ties in to your counter-culture reactionist ideals and views of the modern world; but it concerns me quite a bit because in my opinion it's not your place as a consumer to judge what an artist does with their talent and vision. You can evaluate it, like a critic would, but to judge it is to take an offensive stance against the artists themselves and even if that fits your pejorative of being anti-mainstream it'll ultimately hurt you and your overall beliefs and ideals.

I know it's difficult to artistically appreciate something you dislike or are philosophically opposed to, I have strong beliefs of my own that conflict with my artistic leanings all the time; and I agree with you that modern society is beyond messed up and I'll even go as far to say that a mass amount of pop has toxic artistic value and the current artistic norms should be abandoned or drastically changed. But you're making a philosophical character judgement on artists over something that's so petty I would be ashamed to feel the same way, most modern musicians aren't toxic artists just because they make something profitable/popular; and I definitely wouldn't group them in with the rest of the horrific pop music culture of today for that.

So in short, I agree with a lot of your points, but only a few of your conclusions. I suggest you re-evaluate your beliefs and your artistic appreciation of artists that put talent and passion into their work but also focus on making money.

As an additional point, it's my opinion that by creating this almost artificial oddly specific focus on what constitutes good art and music; you're devaluing art in a huge way. There's a lot of good to appreciate in the world, it's good to not let the crowds blind you; but it's dangerous to see all good things through such a narrow lens or even just simply through your own eyes alone.

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