Speak for yourself bit

The problem I have with documentaries like cowspiracy is that they don't offer any sort of actual solutions. Veganism/vegeterianism is only possible for well off 1st world citizens, if the world was to stop eating eat tomorrow what the hell would 80% of the world's population eat? Where would they get those calories that they lost from their diet? Would those 2nd and 3rd world countries be expected to develop massive agricultural industries like the US over night? It's economically unfeasible.

Even if it was possible for them to develop those industries so fast, where would they get the vast tracts of land needed for agricultral production? What about the dangers associated with overplanting certain types of crops (this already happened with bananas in the 80's)? Where only having one species makes them incredibly vulnerable to disease and subsequent extinction.

Even if vegeterianism was just applied where it was possible, what makes your moral crusade any more just than say someone who refuses to drive a car? Both are moral decisions about why you should refrain from doing something, you just choose to draw the line at animals. Hell if you were such a champion of the enviornment as a vegan then why wouldn't you go all the way and give up electronics with rare earth metals (cell phones, laptops) or give up driving? The answer is that it'd inconnvenience you too much given how little importance you attach to it, thus making you a hypocrite if you attack someone else who may not choose to go vegan but decides to ride a bike instead of drive. I have no problem with vegans/vegeterians but the preachyness and high horse attitude is so fucking annoying.

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com