Iceland's got the right idea about breastfeeding in public

Not necessarily true. I live in a Midwestern town in a suburb off a large city. I've been breastfeeding for a few months and never had any problems. Neither have any of my friends. It mainly has to do with the "vibe" you give off. I always ask a manager of the place I'm at if they are comfortable with me breastfeeding. They always smile and say "sure go ahead". If I sit on a bench, I always ask if the person next to me is okay with it, they always say it's fine.

I have seen a few ladies have problems, but it's mostly because they were pretty rude about it. I was at the mall a while ago and a lady sat on the bench and just pulled out her boobs and just let them hang out while she got her baby out of the car seat. Both boobs, not just one. The people next to her got a little uncomfortable and left. She was making weird sounds and people kept looking over, she would give them the stink eye and say something like "what? I can't feed my own fucking kid?" even though no one had said anything about it. Another time I was out with my boyfriend for Valentine's Day at a pretty expensive dinner theater (suit and tie type). They didn't allow children under 13 because it was going to get pretty loud and a lot of darkness. Well this one lady walks in with her ~1 year old, takes her seat, pulls out her boob and starts breastfeeding. The manager came over and politely asked her leave. She threw a big fit because if she was eating, her kid should be able to eat too, saying he was a pervert for sexualizing breasts and stormed out. It had nothing to do with the breastfeeding, it was because of the gigantic sign on the front door saying "NO KIDS UNDER THE AGE OF 13".

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