I'd like to learn math that is condusive to a psychedelic perspective.

That the patterns in nature are patterns that repeat in all scales. And that reality could be said to be a physical projection from the smallest to the biggest. Hence, holofractal.

That said, some things he says in the video I agree with: modern science has deviated too much from what got us here. Everything is too separated. Philosophy, physics, mathematics, medicine, psychology, theology, arts, history, etc.

It used to be all the same. Now, scientists are struggling to sound proper and serious, and to be honest, I've met more who are complete snobs who talk down to laypeople than humble ones who explain things.

People who graduate and have to publish papers have to work only on specific topics that "don't sound quack", and if they entered the field to bring a fresh perspective, it's shot down.

And I hate to sound like a broken record, but it all comes down to funding and what can be used and branded and marketed.

That said, I don't bet on this one guy to have discovered anything because his formulas remind me of the birthday math tricks that circulate on Facebook. But I think he has a different perspective that should be explored by scientists in a non-snobby "I'm gonna shot you down" way.

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