If you are over the age of 25 and watch porn, that’s kind of sad


“The [people] here and no doubt in other aspects of the pornography world are lied to, cheated out of their money, and often even sex trafficked into prostitution”

“Hay and other influential pornographers like him are using and abusing their power to sexually exploit the women they are supposed to represent, creating an environment of fear and control. The mainstream pornography industry is facilitating the trafficking of hundreds, if not thousands, of women and girls as practices such as these are continuously swept under the rug, and the women themselves often scared to speak out due to stigma and threats of retaliation from their traffickers.”

The rest are more individual experiences;






Just the fact that this occurs in an entirely non-essential aspect of our lives is enough to warrant simply not watching porn. It’s so easy to do, so why isn’t even the potential of it being helpful in preventing these abuses enough to just stop?

Do you contest the idea that consuming and buying products from an industry supports the industry?

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