If C9 makes it out of groups with T1 and EDG is in it. Does that push Jensen past Bjergsen as the best LCS Mid of all time?

International competition Jensen has laned against at Worlds and MSI:

Rookie 4-6

Prime Febiven 1-1

Faker 0-6

Scout 1-1

Xiaohu 1-1

Caps 2-8

Showmaker 1-1

Doinb 1-1

BDD 1-1

12-26 = 31.5% WR

International competition Bjergsen has laned against at Worlds and MSI:

Pawn 1-4

Prime Febiven 0-1

Faker 0-3

old man xPeke 0-2

Xiaohu 0-2

Perkz 1-1

BDD 0-2

2-15 = 11.8% WR

I did not list shit like Rift Rivals or IEMs or int'l midlaners I don't care about like Crown, PoE, Nemesis, xiye. I just wanted to show that Jensen has played against some really big names more often than Bjergsen has.

And I'm not even saying Jensen was the primary reason for his wins. But he's gotta have ice in his veins now after playing those midlaners year after year.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread