If every celebrity had a name like "Bill Nye the Science Guy," what would they be called?

Hey. his is no relation to this comment, just I haven't worked out how to PM here yet, and I am replying to an old archived comment of yours in the ADHD sub I just read now. Linked below http://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/3sx5xh/is_it_common_for_those_with_adhd_to_obsessively/

I have over 40 years of ADHD experience and collect and drop interests as you describe. I want to tell you, don't sweat it. At all. It's a strength. To the people you interact with authentically despite the ADHD, your capacity for absorpbing and integrating new information makes you an invaluable source of interesting distilled crunchy food for thought. It's a valuable trait, to you and others. ADHD is part of you who you are, milliions of disparate sources of info on all topics, and we can integrate those disciplines. Its a good thing, be yourself they say.

And of course theres is downsides. This is after all an inability to regulate between perseverance (hyperfocus) and the moderate focus everyone else is capable of but we aren't. So shades of gray, it's a negative trait too in some ways. Nothing is ever completed.

It's OK, noone is perfect, you're allowed flaws this is yours. Its a biggie, and ADHD makes life easier and harder both. Just be who you are and try to develop some coping strategies for the bits that fuck you hardest.

You'' find over the years you revisit topics. You might leave trumpets for a decade now. But you won't forget that info, so when you launch into IDK just say modern acoustics, you have background. Pharmacology gives you an understanding of neurology for when you move into tracing the fMRI images of different conditions that pique your interest. By 40 all these disparate researches you do are integrated, so much background, on the broadest array. And you integrate this shit, because you will obsessively spend the mental energy doing that. ADHD drives be a form of wisdom, I guess.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent