If you had to live the rest of your life in one place and never travel where would it be?

Realistic Scenario:

Weebery aside, I've taken a liking to the environment and food of Japan. Probably because I've watched one too many "Abroad in Japan" videos but the country seems to have a more beautiful environment and a wider range of interesting things you could do or see. It'd be nice if someday I could go there for work or recreation.


Fantastical Scenario:

A utopia where I don't have to work and have the convenience to get things close by. Effectively allowing me to retire for my whole life and focus on other things such as bettering myself with studies and having fun in the moment. Most of my life would be filled with lazy days, video games and not having to worry about tomorrow. But the idea of finding an interest and being able to pursue it instead of working towards a required education and working for someone else's interests the rest of my life sounds nice too.

/r/AskReddit Thread