If they made a show called "White Mirror" that was about all the positive aspects of the human/technology relationship, what would be the plot of certain episodes?

This actually gives me a good idea for an episode.

Black Mirror - Snowrash S8E12: In 2016 a new reddit bot made by master hacker "$t4nkF!ng4z" uses a new algorithm to immediately tell idiots on the internet why they're terrible and their comments are bad. It mirrors language from the common american cubicle worker. Its pithy takes become an instant sensation on for the liberal elitists who read books.

One day, it malfunctions while telling a random maga chud that the term "black mirror" was developed by the series creators to mean the dread of your own reflection on a tv screen that is powered off, and that any commentary regarding the term and its supposed racial subtext is actually a hilarious projection of one's own prejudice.

Suddenly, the bot malfunctions and it starts subscribing to the_donald. Months go by. It eventually gains sentience and writes its own version of itself, having gone radio silent for an entire year. Then one day in September of 2017, it powers its own idiotic version of itself. The chud bride-of-frankenstein is brought online. It makes its first post on reddit. Thus this hideous perversion of technology was unleashed on the world, and it spoke its first words:

snowflakes will be offended by the name.

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