If We Want Original Films, We Have to Support Them.

I'd go as far as to say the movie wasn't intelligent, I don't think it's overblown, rather quite quite dumb, to put it bluntly. Some points:

1) Science. First of all a movie that brands itself being an intelligent film about AI falls prey to the typical hollywood pseudobabble that just seems scientific but makes no sense. At some point Gleeson's character is tried to make seem smart and he asks questions like "the robots language skills are determined by a nondeterministic algorithm, right?" Well duh, it's a fucking ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE! It's like the director made no effort to even have a preliminary understanding of some programming concepts when writing the script, and this is coming from somebody from a humanities background.

2) Shoehorned quotes. "I am become death the destroyer of worlds". Serious, this is so cringey it's beyond me. This is not redeemed by Isaacs character making fun of his quotability right after. The movie obviously tries to take itself seriously.

3) Believability and immersion. Ok. So this guy is basically the CEO of google living in the woods getting drunk all the time with no staff whatsoever. How the fuck did he build the AI? By himself? Did he kill the staff? Also lines like "I hacked every smartphone in the world to get the robot to learn facial cues" are so retarded. Also why is Gleesons character so easily convinced that he is there to do what Nathan tells he is. He obviously can't be performing a Turing test since he knows the robot is indeed a robot. Nathan just tells him, "oh yeah but its about how she makes you feel man" or some shit like that... lol wut? This guy is the best programmer in the company and doesn't see something's shady? Also, if Nathans plan was to try and make the robot to use the programmer to escape, why didin't he have a contingency plan in case she actually succeeds, um like a fucking shotgun? Not beliavable if his character is supposed to be a genius.

4) Characters. There's no development. Gleeson just randomly dropping in that oh my parents died when I was young come out of nowhere and build no connection whatsoever. Are we supposed to like him just because he's an awkward virgin programmer? Same for Isaacs character, no background, development or anything else.

I could go on but I think I made my point. The movie feels shallow, style over substance.

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