If You’re Not Scared About Fascism in the U.S., You Should Be

The best theory I've heard of for leftist fascism(there's historically never been fascism from the left, it always comes from the right) is that it's communism based on equality of outcome.

As-in, the populations of area X is 26% Hispanic, 24% White, 33% Asian,12% African, 15% Middle-Eastern, 32% male, 33% female, 12% trans-male, 10%, trans-female, 13% non-gender, 45% Christian, 22% Muslim, 23% Atheist, 10% Jewish and that's the ratio that every single aspect of life should maintain as well, regardless of qualification. Housing should be determined by this, education should be determined by this, employment should be determined by this, etc.

I'm not trying to troll or support this or say that I'm afraid of it happening, I just read about it once and I am by no means and expert on it since I don't read right-wing stuff that often.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com