If Reddit wants NA to have a good soloqueue again, it doesn't stop at the pro level, EVERYONE has to be trying in soloqueue.

Everyone plays a small champion pool which they like to play and are comfortable playing rather than adapting as a team, picking as a team and coming up with compositions that work.

If solo queue was like this it would be so nice. Because i dont expect a bronze player to know how to play every toplane champ at the maximum level, but a +high gold player should be able to adapt to the comp that the enemy team has and what your teams lacks of and if you need to play a certain champ cause you are required to, you may not play it at the maximum level, but you definitely should be able to play it at a decent level. People picking things like yasuo when your team has no knock ups, or picking lux vs zed, an AD champ when your team has 3 already, not picking a tank when ur team doesnt have any and you really need it cause you may have a kogmaw or something that needs to be protected and the enemy team has a lot of dmg... I hate it.

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