If there were Aliens discovered, would Humans be considered attractive or ugly?

I would venture to be optimistic in answering this question, and say that we would likely appear to be HIGHLY BEAUTIFUL to them, in terms of how the majority of their culture perceives us.

In fact, I am almost certain that there will be some individuals in their population that will develop rather STRONG emotions of love/friendship with individual humans.

In saying this, I look at our own human experiences/interactions with other species of animals, and even the interactions between various animal species.

We've seen countless examples, of dogs who would die, defending their human masters.

We've seen many humans, who would die defending their pet dogs.

We've seen cats befriend dogs, befriend chickens, befriend goats, befriend elephants, befriend crows, and parrots, and even simple minded fish and reptiles have developed bonds...

In short, most people I know find other animal species highly fascinating and beautiful.

HECK... Even the highly creepy, and highly alien-like (yet astonishingly intelligent) octopus can be seen as beautiful in it's own way, and there have been cases of individual octopuses developing close bonds with individual humans.

Some people claim that aliens may be so far beyond us, that we will perceive us, as nothing more than "ants" or "bacteria".

But actually, I would argue that rather than "ants" we will instead seem more like "cats" or "dogs" to a highly advanced alien intelligence.

I believe there is a certain threshold of intelligence, that once crossed, makes a life form become "very interesting", and I feel confident that humans have crossed that threshold, and will thus be "interesting" and perhaps "beautiful" to all other alien life more advanced than us.

So yes... we humans, will be like cats and dogs to them!

And nearly all of us know how easy it is to bond with cats and dogs, and find them to be quite beautiful in their unique ways as living, thinking, lifeforms, each with their own complex personalities.

Just as some of us would be willing to risk death saving our pet cat from a fire... so too will some of those aliens be willing to risk their own lives, to help us. Some of them...

/r/AskReddit Thread