If these two actually met. (x-post r/Onepunchman)

Feats are stupid because the laws of every individual universe are different. You can't compare individual acts because the rules behind those acts are all different.

So what if one character can blow up a planet with ease, maybe the planets in their universe are just super weak. The whole basis behind Feats is fundamentally flawed because there is no "neutral" universe to compare them, and you can't just make one up because they were never intended to fight in those conditions. The best you could do would be to place one in another characters universe, and then that's flawed because those are also not optimal conditions.

I've been watching Dbz as a kid and I love it to death, but it really irks me when people try to put Saitama against them. It's just not how the characters are written.

If someone wrote a story where the main character could blow up universes with a punch and destroyed solar systems with a thought people would still argue why Goku would win. We get it, you like Goku.

/r/dbz Thread Parent Link - img01.deviantart.net