If TRP isn't true, then what is your alternate theory that disproves it?

1) There are a few evolutionary consequences to STDs, such as:

  • Becoming sterile, thus making you an evolutionary dead end. Just because you aren't aware it happened doesn't mean it doesn't "make sense from an evolutionary standpoint". If you can't reproduce for any reason, you're out of the game son.

  • Having visible signs of an STD and women refusing to have anything to do with you ("dude's got sores on his dick, I'm not touching THAT"), which makes you an evolutionary dead end.

  • Children contracting the diseases before they're even born, making them worse offspring than they would have been otherwise.

  • Hell, just read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syphilis#Epidemiology, it's got a lot of consequences that are directly related to your evolutionary fitness. You might just straight up die.

Just because they aren't always visible doesn't mean that there are no consequences, what kind of logic is that?

2) If you make shitty kids that can't/don't reproduce, then no it's not better than no kids from an evolutionary perspective. Your line has ended, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Even if you get kids with a good looking mother and invest in them as a present father you'd still have more evolutionary success if you had an extra kid you didn't give a shit about on the side.

The game changes if I already have kids with a mom that's decent. If my goal is to ONLY spread my genes as much as possible, then yeah once you have the happy, healthy kids you can go fuck whatever you want and hope they turn out ok. Strategies change based on circumstances. But if you're just some dude who hasn't reproduced yet, the busted up women are a last resort (because they provide a lower chance of successfully reproducing, and will create lower quality offspring in general).

3) I'd argue that evolution isn't really a "blind" process, we know what's going on: It's survival of the fittest. What makes it so hard to understand is fitness, which is variable and complex. But with the proper understanding of fitness, it's relatively straight forward.

I've done a fair amount of evolutionary computation work in the past, so I could write a wall of text about this, but I won't. What I'll say is that yes, dead ends happen, and every individual strives to not be that dead end, but they're good for the overall health of the species (because they die without reproducing). I don't care that women are the selectors most of the time, we're talking about men and why they shouldn't bang busted up women. And from an evolutionary standpoint, there are a lot of reasons, a few of which I've covered.

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