What did you go Google "theory of evolution" and copy-paste the subheadings? But we're talking about the concept, not the specifics of the concept. Now you're just being pedantic.

What'd you do? Take a couple 100 and 200 level classes college courses?

No. I've read a couple books on evolution and I considered going into a biology related field when I was finishing high school so I have had a bit of a personal interest in the topic. I think I have a pretty good layman's understanding of evolution in which I have to depend on the experts to really flesh out the details.

Sorry, but Webster is not an economic text. I don't care how smart you think you are. What's next? The wikipedia article is going to make you an expert?

You're the only one pretending to be an expert citing your college courses.

Websters is the perfect source to define everyday conversations. If we were in a political science class or formal debate you'd have a foot to stand on about your definition but that's not the case. I never said or tried to imply I was smart. You just keep insinuating that and then attacking this imaginary position I never took.

Yep Webster is a widely accepted source on what socialism is, but the guy who created it is not. Why don't you just admit you're a dumb know it all idiot and shut up?

You mean Webster, Oxford and Cambridge. Arguably the three most used and cited dictionary sources. It's total nonsense to say just because someone coined a term or concept that it must remain unchanged for hundreds of years regardless of historical and cultural context.

I've admitted gaps in my knowledge and I've admitted I am not an authority on evolution or socialism yet I'm the know-it-all? Sure sounds like projection.

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