How do Universalists deal with Matthew 10:32-33?

Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Since you probably won't accept any answer I give you out of the Bible, because all of your questions have been asked before and answered thoroughly

I think you misunderstand my questions as a way to try and attack you, which they aren't. Im merely trying to question how your beliefs make sense. I mean, if you're telling someone that "this" or "that" is a certain way to get into heaven, is it wrong of them to question those beliefs, or ask how they make sense? I am genuinely interested in what you believe, and I think I've raised some interesting questions. I especially liked the guilt / psychopathy point, and the mind controlling God point. If you didn't want your statements to be analysed closely and would respond somewhat aggressively, why even bother telling someone in the first place?

arent atheists well educated and intellectually superior to religious people?

Being an atheist or being religious isnt a requirement for intellect. Like I said, you should not have taken my analysis of your statements as a means to impose my supposed intellectual superiority here. I was just so interested as you are not only a woman, but an LGBT person, so I thought youd give an interesting take. If you would still like to answer the points I made, please do, but if you wanted no discussion then you should have made a final point such as "I am not interested in further explaining my beliefs." If my questions have been thoroughly answered, do you have any links that share your beliefs?

Let's create a god in your image.

My image? You mean Im God? Or do you mean my idea of what a God should be?

If not, then we do not truly have free will, do we.

Well, if God is causing people to have depression, making other people assault / abuse them, then free will does not exist in your scenario either. As for your point about free will, I dont see how it is a good thing for us to believe that free will is the epitome of Gods love for us, as if it were some magnificent thing. If someone were to run at you with a knife on the street, Im very sure you would try and get away from that person, who would, say, be stopped by a policeman. His free will has been squashed. The point is, we prevent people from doing terrible things all the time, and possibly even benign things like...smoke weed or exist if youre a homosexual in certain places. We can do what we like to an extent, but we dont have free will, I think, at least without getting severely punished or stopped. Theres also the point that in heaven, free will likely does not exist, does it? If I want to send another person, hypothetically, to hell, I likely would not be able to do that. And if I wanted to get out of hell after I died, I probably wouldnt be able to do that either.

favor by sending them to heaven, a place of eternal life and bliss and peace.

Unless of course they, for whatever reason, dont believe in God and follow in his teachings?

You are, after all, freeing people from the toil of this mortal coil.'

I imagine that might be a good argument if God truly existed

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