If you were somewhere in public , (beach , shopping etc.) and the city's emergency sirens started playing due to a possible 10 magnitude earthquake , what would you do ?

Live in Alaska, so anyone with a real plan needs to get that bullshit out of your mind.

The moment the ground shifts hard enough and you are taken off your feet you can kiss all sense of cohesive thoughts.

It’s, oh god where am I? An old building? Jesus I’m going to die, fuck me where’s a thick desk, oh I hope they built this piece of shit to code. Ah man I won’t survive this thing collapsing around me, wow it’s still shaking COME ON. Where is all that shattered glass coming from? Please don’t let it be the windows, I don’t want to pull a John McClain right now and it’s cold as fuck outside. Oh good it stopped, no windows broke? What about all the shattering? Does someone have a glass figuring collection in this office? Alright now that I can think again... where’s my phone so I can call everyone I know - oh look the cell towers are all destroyed, zero bars. Hmmm how did people communicate in an emergency without a phone (Winnie the Pooh style thinking stance)? 2 hours later.... Oh sweet baby Jesus I have a signal!

Call everyone in 10minutes, everyone says the same thing; it was crazy, terrified, this and that broke, suffered injury, ask about friends and relatives and talk about how it’s the biggest quake we’ve experienced in 50 years.

And the traffic, it’s unbelievable. Power to the city goes out, no businesses still function and in an emergency the city dismisses all schools at once, requesting parents pick up their children personally while the only source of information is coming from the radio and 90% is speculation.

Massive Grid Lock. I jumped in my truck as soon as the tremors stopped so I could try and get to my wife to be at the time and was met with a wall of unmovable vehicles. It took 2 hours to travel 1 mile in a city with less than half a million people.

/r/AskReddit Thread