IL-2 BoS worth picking up for $30?

BoS has a lot of problems, it's main one being the developers themselves (or more specifically, how they portrayed the product during leading up to and during the early access period). It was not that they lied per se, it was more that they were not terribly forthcoming about a lot of their plans and failed to really include the early access community in those plans.

The other big problem was the imaginary audience that they were trying to go after. 1C game studios was going after the casual gamers with a product that they would not really care about to begin with and in a effort to streamline the whole experience, they managed to alienate just about everyone. This can be seen in the woefully simplified graphics presets (you can't change individual options) and the fact that we only just now got a mission editor (something that needed to be included from the beginning as it now may be too late).

In some tragic ways, BoS is not unlike Microsoft flight. It was built to grab the casual market but it was never going to attract that market to begin with. Sadly, they managed to forget about the core audience along the way (again, much like Flight did).

There are other issues. The developers are terrible at PR and community interaction. They can't really take constructive critique and are quick to over-moderate their forums.

The last issue is the community. It (like IL-2: Cliffs of Dover before it) has a entrenched fanbase that can take things way too far on the forums. It is a lot like the fans of two different sports teams going at it and it is terribly sad and disappointing to watch.

Once you are in the cockpit. It is not a terrible sim. I can't comment too much on the flight models but I still think they lag behind DCS in some key ways. With that said. the feeling of flight is as good as it is with Rise of flight, as is the structural damage (something that other sims lack at the moment).

Combat is pretty fun, the weapons feel good an the damage feels about right. They have been increasing the fidelity of the damage model to the point where it easily holds it's own against it's rivals (though perhaps not surpass them).

Single player is pretty much awful. I see a lot of people throw around the phrase "dynamic campaign" like it is the only way to do good single player and I tend to disagree, especially when you are dealing with historical periods where the player should have no real effect on the outcome of the battle.

That said, BoS's campaign is abysmal. It lacks any real depth, tells no real story and just kinda throws you into randomly generated missions that are tragically limited in scope. It's quick battle mode is alright however and with the new mission editor, someone will probably add a dynamic campaign generator before too long for those that can't seem to live without it.

Online play is way farther behind than it should be. The lack (up until now) of a mission editor and dynamic server tools has severely limited it's growth and it will probably never really recover.

That being said, It's probably on par with Rise of flight in terms of multiplayer potential which is pretty good in the end. Especially if you like team vs team dogfights and the like.

One last topic. The elephant in the room is the comparison between BoS and Cliffs of Dover. I can't say either really wins in my book. Cliffs of Dover may have a mod team working on it but I can't really trust how authentic their work is. On top of that, Cliffs still suffers from some issues that the mod team may never actually fix.

BoS is perhaps not unlike a pre-mature birth. It's lack of features early on did a lot of damage and those features being added now is perhaps a case of "too little, too late". It's a good sim, it just lacked too much out of the gate.

Overall, BoS is good once you are in the cockpit. it's a good enough flight sim to hold my interest and the combat is very fun. It is sadly hurt by it's community, it's developers and the developers lack of interest in giving the community the things that it reasonably expects.

As far as 1946 goes, I am not in a really good position to say much about it, I find the sim dated to the point where it can't really hold my interest. It adopted the quantity over quality approach and as such, no specific aircraft feels very interesting to me.

For $30 bucks, BoS is not a bad deal. I sadly payed much more than that and I do regret it but $30 seems reasonable.

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