I'll just leave this here

I feel like it would still be more profitable to push vaccines. Let’s have a look at your logic.

For vaccinating: Each child gets their standard vaccines, then gets autism or another vaccine ‘injury’ and big pharma gets to treat them and earn the big bucks. They don’t pay compensation because the system is rigged. The other children grow up and get adult diseases: obesity, heart disease, cancer, addiction, depression, injuries requiring chronic pain management. They probably get more than one of these diseases. They require treatment for years, decades in some cases. A lot of them will die from a disease requiring a fair bit of money to treat before they die anyway. Then also have children who have more vaccines.

For not vaccinating: Each child does not get vaccinated. Big pharma looses money on the vaccines, but that’s ok because they’ll make it up later. Thousands of children get diseases. Many of them are incurable and there is little treatment other than palliative care. They get treatment for a few months maybe, then they die or they get better. The remaining children grow up, but there is less of them so there is less money to be made on adult diseases. But yay no autism, right?

/r/vaxxhappened Thread Link - i.redd.it