Testimony Of Michael D. Cohen - Committee On Oversight And Reform U.S. House Of Representatives [February 27, 2019]

He will stress that he does not have direct evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians to tilt the 2016 election in his favor

Interesting part of Cohen's statement which the media will probably ignore.

Regarding wikileaks, Assange announced on Twitter that he had Clinton's emails and that a release was imminent.

Cohen will also testify that Trump DID NOT TELL HIM TO LIE TO CONGRESS.

So that disproves the entire Buzzfeed story.

Cohen will testify that there is no evidence of collusion and that Trump did not tell him to lie to Congress.

Cohen will also tell the committee that he will provide “copies of letters I wrote at Mr. Trump’s direction that threatened his high school, colleges, and the College Board not to release his grades or SAT scores

Who cares?

/r/politics Thread Link - politico.com