I'm always so gobsmacked when you meet someone cool, they seem so normal, and then something like this happens.

Clearly you’re the idiot if you can’t read what you wrote. I didn’t exaggerate what you said. Why don’t you reread your original post because you DID NOT say that your profession defined only a part of your existence. You said “your existence is based around pleasuring other people” and because you did not make that distinction that it was only a part of your existence it implied that you meant it defines your existence in its entirety.

Either way that’s stupid. Why would people be defined by their careers? Some people just end up with jobs just to make ends meet or they don’t care for their professions. My question also still stands. If a prostitute’s existence is based around pleasuring other people then you could say a waiter’s existence is to serve. That makes no sense especially when they aren’t at their job. No, I for one do not nor do I know others who label themselves based on their profession. Some people CAN technically work/help outside of their jobs but that is a CHOICE. Most people want to be paid for their services. When I worked part time as a barista I did not make drinks on my downtime for others.

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