Do any of you feel like good people?

I feel like a bad person most of the time because I just can't be bothered to do the things that people expect me to do in order to be liked. I am selfish, even though I can be a pushover I can also be very stubborn about doing what's best for me even if others want me not to. I am very judgmental of myself and others to the point where I feel shame and sometimes, the first thing I do is pick out the negative (not out loud) but to myself. When someone shows me something nice the first thing my brain does is spot all the flaws. All of this makes me feel like a bad person.

But I also feel like I'm a good person. I donate a bit to local charities. I can be very considerate if it doesn't go against what I want/need. I have a bit of a saviour complex and I feel like there is so much goodness inside that the world needs. I'm exaggerating but it just feels like I'm a good person sometimes.

/r/NPD Thread