I'm getting sick of Rule 3 and the censorship on this sub.

I've responded similarly to someone else, but the only merit of censoring hacking posts is to stifle the public perception of how bad it's gotten.

And I disagreed with what you were saying then just as much as I do now. Do you have some sort of metric you are using to determine this, or is it just something you feel is true? Because there are plenty of reasons for the rule other than the censorship you are claiming that it is, and I tried to explain that with my last post.

This development team is actually pretty decent when it comes to community involvement, but this subreddit isn't one of the places that is necessarily true. There are definitely more appropriate environments than this subreddit if your goal is to accurately convey the issues in DayZ. I love Eugen and all the effort he still puts into this place, but it seems you may have a skewed view of the role of this subreddit in the DayZ community if you think this particular rule is falsely making it seem like hacking isn't an issue.

Again, I don't mean that no discussion here has any influence on the community or development, simply that it is not the most appropriate place for what you are talking about.

Not only that, but like I said, there are plenty of valid reasons for a rule like this. Discussion about hacking isn't banned. You can discuss hacking all you want here, and it isn't against the rules. The rule simply bans posts about hacking. Which even though they really might be changing that soon because of this, does serve a purpose.

Understandably, the hacking upsets people. Understandably, people will want to discuss things that upset them. It isn't that this isn't the place for it, its just this means that without the rule, it is very common for people to make posts about examples of hacking when they experience it.

There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but over time it just turns into the same complaints about the same hacks being discussed over and over again. Reposts are common on any forum, but hacking is an issue that distinctly attracts a lot of reposting, and understandably so. Because of that, a rule banning posts talking about individual hacking instances isn't a bad idea, and is not as simple as "trying to cover up hacking/make it seem like less of a problem", even if it seems like that to you at first glance.

The biggest thing is you are acting like this is creating an environment where hacking is swept under the rug and made to misleadingly appear as if it isn't an issue. I don't see any reason to believe that is the case. Again, discussion about hacking isn't banned here, and I see it come up often in this subreddit without there constantly being posts from thousands of people complaining about it every time they run into it, which I for one am grateful for.

When a post has 200+ upvotes in a matter or hours then it should be clear that the majority of users want this content to be on top.

Again, you are on the wrong website if you don't like the way this works. Reddit has a very specific subreddit system in which whoever makes a subreddit gets to form the rules of how the subreddit operates. Just because a bunch of people who join the subreddit feels a certain way, even if they are a majority, doesn't mean they get to determine how the subreddit operates. That doesn't mean mods can't listen to their community, my point is just that this isn't a democracy, and Reddit would be a worse place if it were. Honestly, the subreddits (at least out of the larger ones) that have the strictest enforcement of their rules often are the ones that have the best quality discussion/posts.

I am not saying there's a conspiracy. I am just saying that censoring legitimate posts about hacking allows the people to avoid the topic. Avoiding the topic leads to less urgency and drive to actually fix it. I am not reporting individual hackers, I'm saying we should be allowed to talk about it like we can talk about any other bug.

I just don't see this being an issue. If this were an offical dev forum, I would be right there with you. But it isn't. It is one that most of the developers have been open about the fact they stay away from because of the community and the fact that there are other forums that work much, much better for it.

Point me to all of these people who are unaware that hacking is an issue in DayZ because of rule 3. Again, the rule doesn't even ban discussion about hacking, which you can find prevelantly in this subreddit without issue. It just has a rule banning posts, in an attempt to make it so they don't flood the subreddit.

I say this because I have seen plenty of other videogame related subreddits that had rules banning extremely random things that at first I thought were ridiculous, but then found out that without that rule, those posts were so ridiculously common that they became a detriment to the subreddit. The topics weren't banned because there was something inherently wrong with them, they were banned because of how common they were. You may call that censorship, others would call it quality control. Again, if you are in the camp that considers it censorship, Reddit probably isn't going to be the best website for you.

You are the second person who says I am accusing the devs of doing nothing. Please point out where I say those exact words.

Used those exact words? You didn't. If you want me to point out when you conveyed that idea, though:

We want the mods and devs to stop acting like hacking isn't a problem and that it can't be deleted and forgotten like these posts.

By addressing it as the devs have, they explicitly aren't acting like hacking isn't a problem. They acknowledge that it is and try to keep us updated in what they are doing with it. Not only that, (I can't remember if it was you saying they have done nothing or somebody else in this thread), but they have indeed made strides at improving things in the past, even if those imporvements are often short-lived.

My point being, your entire argument seems to be this rule is to censor discussion about hacking so it seems like it is less of a problem than it is, and allows the devs to ignore it. I am providing alternatives as to why this rule may be in place based on the experience of very similar rules in other forums I have used in the past. Not only that, but I also tried to pointed out instances that show that your assessment about how this allows devs to ignore the problem is untrue.

Frankly I think you guys are twisting it the wrong way. I just want the devs to recognize that the way they've dealt with hacking up until now is very poor and that they need to change their methods and attitude towards it. Otherwise, it will be just another hackfest like the mod was. Do you want that? I don't.

Quite the contrary. I can tell you are the type of person that cares a lot about this game, and about discussing various ways to make it better. That is great, and I am right there with you. There are plenty around here that don't share that sentiment at all.

I'm just saying that I really think it is your perspective on the situation that is allowing you to twist things the wrong way. I understand where you are coming from completely, I just don't think your assessment of the situation is correct.

Who knows, maybe getting rid of the rule really will improve this sub, I just honestly don't see that being the case.

/r/dayz Thread