I'm morbidly depressed and going through a divorce. Can I just exercise for hours a day?

I was 39, 6'2, 255 lbs. When I graduated highschool I weighed 140 lbs so I was over-weight. I was going through a divorce and was so depressed that a dead body had more life force than I had. I started working out, however imperfectly, and over the course of two years, without purposefully dieting, I got down to 192. I got a lot of anger out in the weight room and it saved my life.

I began a bulk and focused on a more deliberate approach to lifting by working a program (Wendler's 5/3/1 BBB) and now, nine years later, I am 240lbs with a bit of a bulk belly but big as hell and strong like bull. Looking to cut down to 205-210. I attend my kids athletic events and between the added muscle and thick beard, my ex-wife doesn't recognize me which is so very cool.

Some advice. Focus on learning good form. Watch form-lift videos and review comments. I had tendinitis 24/7 which led to partial tears of the ligaments in my elbows. And I tore my rotator cuff which took me out of lifting for over a year. Old guys in their 40s tear their rotator cuffs like clockwork. Don't. It was awful. Never swing the weight. Never change direction quickly. Slow and steady builds the muscle. Be careful bulking at your age. Can lead to blood sugar issues.

/r/Fitness Thread