I'm scared. Out of options.

You are not alone.

Although not everyone that feels similarly are in the same situation as you, there are many people that feel that there aren't any options for them.

Depression is a trickster, always hiding in shadows of your heart, saying to give up through the overwhelming weight of your body or the utter lack of motivation. Some days it seems selfish to die, other days it seems selfish not to die; meanwhile, the part of me that has lost all sight of a potential future remains constant in the desire to jump. To end the suffering. To end sadness. Eventually to end happiness as well.

Depression does not discriminate. It is a dark shadow many carry and many hide from the outside world.

Although it can be difficult to remember, never forget your strength.

You are scrappy in your efforts to hold on since have made it this far through life.

You are capable of so much and can find another job.

You are worthy of mercy, forgiveness, and love. Forgive yourself for what didn't go to plan in your life. Forgive yourself for wanting to quit. Forgive yourself for being imperfect. Love yourself, allow others to love you, and know that there is nothing wrong with it. You aren't tricking anyone. You are worthy.

There is hope for the future. Dream. Imagine how you wish your future would turn out. Be open for things to not turn out that way. Be grateful or rejoice when things do turn out that way.

You are not powerless. I believe in you.

/r/depression Thread