InfoWars’ Alex Jones Loses Custody Case, Ex-Wife Wins Right to Decide Where Children Live

It's his strategy to encourage an overwhelming amount of insubstantial criticism from the media because it not only hides the details of his actual corruption through obscurity, but it also fatigues and overwhelms low information voters and makes them give up the search in the first place, aka "it's too hard to find anything wrong with him, and i'm smart and good and stuff, so maybe there is nothing wrong with him." If you put out 99 fake news stories, the one real news story is going to have a very hard time getting through. One of the few things Trump has done right is recognizing weaknesses in the system that let him exploit this, and thus through his exploitation the media is now having a discussion about how to fix that system.

If you understand what I'm saying but doubt the intent, I'd point to the whole debacle right after he got into office regarding the misreporting of the martin luther king bust being removed from the oval office, where Trump himself was almost solely responsible for spreading knowledge of the "incident" (after the reporter retracted, apologized, and explained, all while the administration was/is simultaneously pushing actual, significant and destructive fake news). If you are keeping an eye out, you will start to see that the administration spends a lot of their time encouraging negative misinformation about themselves. Because it's working. His supporters see it as evidence of the media's incompetence and corruption rather than the other way around, and don't bother learning anything about who he actually is or what he's actually doing.

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