Insecure about being poor

It’s not about his much money you make or your background at all, but are you able to hold down a consistent job, pay your bills, feed yourself, clean, take care of chores and errands and generally be an adult without me momming you? I’ve worked hard to have a good career and have my shit together, and it’s only to ask for the same, an equal in a partner. It’s not a money thing, I don’t need your money.

OP, the only thing that concerns me a little about you post is “I’ve tried retraining…and things just didn’t work out”… did you try again? You presumably have at least 20 more years in the workforce, keep working towards the job you want! It might take more time but you can do it! I personally don’t care if the person is “there yet” as long as they have goals and don’t resign themselves to the “it just didn’t work out”… keep trying!

/r/datingoverthirty Thread