I interviewed Palmer Luckey

good for you? Seriously though i think he made a mistake selling out to facebook I dont care what they say facebook has zero vr experence whatsoever and no major technology experience either. i still think he just got washed up at the first major offer that came along and he took. and he said wait a year and see what you think. well its been a year and i really so far have seen little that facebook has "done" to help, they were supposed to help convince more big name companies to back the rift in gaming, has that happend? Not really not yet anyways. i am going to wait to see what happens after the consumer version before i get another version to be honest and the average hardcore gamer i think is not gonna invest 400 or so bucks for a vR headset that may only yet run a handleful of games they actually care about. but cool i guess if you got to interview him personally after all his success he seems a tad stuck up to me. and he says his favorite game is fallout 3. well i did a really nice cinimatic falllout 3 video i shared with him, no comment. so yeah. LOL.

wasnt that impressed at all with the DK2 to be honest. the positoinal tracking was OK but could have been better. the screen resolution still not good enough, the fov was worse then the first kit and i thought the whole point was to have a wide feild of view.

and what the heck was up with the added chromatic abrasion crap?

We shall see. VR is just not there yet and until they offer a headset with a 4k screen at least and better hardware that doesnt cost an arm and a leg and better game support. i really do not think the Oculus Rift will go "mainstream" anytime soon. and considering the fact that other companies are getting on the vr bandwagon. Oculus might have started the spark so to speak. but they may actually getting overshadowed i think.

we will see......

/r/oculus Thread